I met a friend when I was out waking this afternoon and for reasons unknown we began talking about elder abuse. Three recent trends on television show three instances of elder abuse. It seems unbelievable to me that anyone would abuse an old person for any reason. The Federal government (Canada) is in the process of passing a law making it a crime to abuse an elderly person, be she/he a relative, friend or a stranger met on the street.
Let's face it, folks, we come from a different generation where abuse might have happened within the confines of a family home. Living with an elderly parent can be stressful. That's why I firmly believe families should live separate but intertwined lives whenever possible. Not in the same space.
I tend to be a trifle bossy and have learned when to bite my tongue when I want to make a comment sure to irritate son, daughter-in-law or grown grandchildren. None of us is perfect but we don't deserve to be whacked or shaken or abused in some way. I have a wonderful family who lovedme dearly. I am truly blessed.
"When did you last abuse your Grandma?" Silly question. However, if you know of anyone hurting an elderly person, male or female, report it to the authorities. A ghastly case of abuse came to light in Quebec a few month ago. The wife's elderly mother was confined to an unheated room at the back of the house and fed indifferent food. The poor soul was in dreadful state after a neighbour reported the problem.
On to more cheerful things. No rain to-day and some sun struggling to shine through light clouds but there was a cold wind chilling my head and neck. We have had so many huge storms over the part several months that there is hardly any beach. We have a log beach for hopping along on. I don't go down to hip hop but stay on the path edging the sea. I see a humming bird most days perched high on a twig. Always makes me feel good.
I need someone to motivate me to start writing a story set in a senior's residence. I have the arms and legs of a story and need to flesh it out. I ...no I won't tell you another thing lest I give too much away and spoil the fun.
Have you ordered the trade paperback edition of my time travel, Ring Around The Room? Go to my publisher, Ellora's Cave.com or from Amazon.com or, if you are in Canada, Amazon.ca. It's available as an e-book but I receive a bigger royalty for the print version.
Smile as often as you can. Speak to small children. Adore looking at babies. And smile at old people you meet during the day.
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