Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I speak out but no one listens or replies. Is anyone out there thinking about issues that shock, surprise, horrify?

The police killings in Ferguson? The unarmed black man was shot SIX times. I think the police officer should be charged with murder. One shot would have solved the problem. Why shoot in the first place? Having a gun handy is an invitation to shoot.

Another young aboriginal girl has been murdered and her body dumped in a Manitoba river. Big fuss about the number of aboriginal girls and women gone missing or murdered. What to do with women and girls who put themselves in harm's way?

Change of topic.  A dream wakened me yesterday morning. I saw the pretty cover of a paper back book. The cover had trees and flowers in pinks and blues. Although I didn't read the name of the book on the cover I knew what it was: HOW TO DO HAPPY THINGS.

Good title for a book except all kinds of things have been written on the subject. Google it and find out. I wonder why it came to me in a dream.


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