Remembering and Forgetting go together like a hug and a kiss or a horse and carriage. Some are more interesting than others and some might as well end up the garbage can.
Is there a garbage can for forgettable or unfortunate memories or are they all stored away ready to emerge when we least expect them? I don't know.
I started writing my "memories" for my family. I am the last of the tribe whose memories go back to 1928 when I was five years old.
Before I begin I am posting the covers of my five romance novels published by Cerridwen Press. Since they are e-published I'm hoping for sales to readers of the Kindle, the Sony, the ipod, etc. They are available from Jasmine-Jade.com
Having got that out of the way, I'm interested in how we remember. What brings a memory back? I'm not sure the scientists can answer that trick question. Certainly our senses trigger memories. Taste. Smell. Touch. Hear.
Because I am elderly, memories fascinate me. Back in time they take me to bygone days. An innocent time, technology had not taken over the world and isolated us from each other.
Stop preaching, Anita. Time to check the baseball game between the Blue Jays and Los Angeles Angels. You can find out more stuff about me at, www.anitabirt.com