My mind boggles as I try to imagine how the above information was gathered. Could you? Could I? Could anyone perform while watched by a sex therapist with a stop watch. If you long to read the whole article try www.The Globe and If that fails use your imagination. It's amazing the number of sex and behavioural therapists who spend their time counting intercourse minutes.
As for me and my fictional characters I don't hang around long enough to time their moments of bliss. And that reminds me. I have a fascinating time travel romance, Ring Around The Moon, releasing on April 8. The lovers love and have a wonderful time in bed. I'll post an excerpt another day. Right now I have to do the mundane tasks necessary to stay alive and well with a functioning brain. Early dinner for my husband and me. We're playing bridge tonight with chocolates to nibble on while dummy.
I'm posting my time travel cover. My story is set in magical Cornwall where anything can happen and often does. See you another time. Drop by my web site: and check out my other books. A Very Difficult Man, Isabelle's Diary and Isabelle's Story.

First of all, I absolutely love your cover and have to read the book. Secondly, my alter ego desiree Holt and I laughed so hard at the images that came to mind tears rolled down our cheeks. Can you just imagine someone in the bedroom with a couple, holding a stopwatch in one hand and a PDA in the other? what does he/she say? "Don't stop, you aren't fionished?" "You have to stop now, you've used up your allotted time?" Does this allow for foreplay? Aftersex cuddling? wjhat if it;s a menage or even a foursome? Do you time each coupling separately or does that time include everyone? OMG, I laughed my ass off. It's a good thing we. as authors, don't write our love scenes with a stop watch or no one would ever read them. very good bklog, Anita.
Hmmm...I find this quite useful actually. Real life does not belong in my fiction!
Excellent blog. Why would I want to know how long it took? Weird subject for a study, eh?
I think the idea of watching and timing sex is a hoot! Both voyeurs and voyees must be out of their minds nutty. Jean Hart Stewart
Does anyone think that maybe the speeds are so fast cause the couples were competitive and "Come on hurry up, you want to win don't you?" Great blog Anita.
Cover is gorgeous and the book sounds great, Anita. Good blog!
I think they must be counting the actual act of intercourse but not anything else. I agree that 96 minutes would be too damned long! Ow!!
I love your book cover. I would be curious to know who were the guineapigs for the timed experiments. I bet just seeing the stopwatch must have put them out of mood. Next time I write a love scene I'll pay attention to how long it take them. I mean how long is the actual paragraph compare to the rest of the scene.
HI Anita,
this is why I always said (when I was young and out there) that any man who says "I can go all night" is not telling the truth, not only that, thanks to Viagra, they can get erections that last 4 ( Heaven forbid) hours. Good Grief...
Yes, I read that article in G&M too. Interesting the work some people do :)
Love the new cover. Is it the work of a new graphic artist? Can't wait to read it!
Very titillating blog (just could not resist that)!
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