What is it about vampires that entrances females of all ages? Is it just me or is a piece of my brain missing or something? I wonder why anyone wants to read about or have a relationship with a blood sucking, night lurking vampire. Because I have not researched the genre thoroughly and may be speaking from ignorance, the vampire novels have heroines attracted to long dead men who emerge from the grave long enough for the heroine to fall in love with them. The men are handsome devils, some with retractable teeth, so their fangs don't scare away the women. They make fantastic love and who can resist a men who knows how to please women.
But and there's the problem I have. Vampires can't come out in daylight or enjoy lounging naked on a sunny beach. Making love in the sum is so glorious why would any thinking woman give up the sun to follow her lover into the dark? There's a new movie out (can't remember the name) with a male vampire. The photo in the paper showed him with two sharp teeth. Ugh.
Are there women vampires emerging to lure real honest-to-god men into their arms? Or does it only work the other way? Male vampire. Human female. I believe some mad scientist has created artificial blood so the vampires can forego the real thing.
That's my huge rant for to-day. Tell me true all you bloggers out there, what is it about vampires that makes them so popular? Comments please.
Lest I forget, is blogging worth the effort.? I maintain my personal blog in a sporadic fashion and wonder if anyone out there cares? Friends comment on mine. So do my family. Come on. Drop by and comment. Convince me blogging is a way to get name recognition and hopefully, sell my five books published by Cerridwen Press. Remember this. My historical romance, "A Very Difficult Man" is scheduled for release in paperback, October/November. Here is the cover.
Thanks for allowing me to rant. It was great fun. I await comments from the lovers of vampire novels. Convince me. What am I missing? I tried to read a vampire novel and quit. I like fantasy novels so I'm not a total loss.
But and there's the problem I have. Vampires can't come out in daylight or enjoy lounging naked on a sunny beach. Making love in the sum is so glorious why would any thinking woman give up the sun to follow her lover into the dark? There's a new movie out (can't remember the name) with a male vampire. The photo in the paper showed him with two sharp teeth. Ugh.
Are there women vampires emerging to lure real honest-to-god men into their arms? Or does it only work the other way? Male vampire. Human female. I believe some mad scientist has created artificial blood so the vampires can forego the real thing.
That's my huge rant for to-day. Tell me true all you bloggers out there, what is it about vampires that makes them so popular? Comments please.
Lest I forget, is blogging worth the effort.? I maintain my personal blog in a sporadic fashion and wonder if anyone out there cares? Friends comment on mine. So do my family. Come on. Drop by and comment. Convince me blogging is a way to get name recognition and hopefully, sell my five books published by Cerridwen Press. Remember this. My historical romance, "A Very Difficult Man" is scheduled for release in paperback, October/November. Here is the cover.

Thanks for allowing me to rant. It was great fun. I await comments from the lovers of vampire novels. Convince me. What am I missing? I tried to read a vampire novel and quit. I like fantasy novels so I'm not a total loss.