Sunday, July 15, 2007

Warning dreams

I had a warning dream two nights ago. In my dream I am in the laundry room in our home with a friend. There is water puddling all over the floor. I look in the washer. It's full of laundry. I'm thinking I must have overloaded the machine and start lifting out soaking wet sheets and dumping them in the wash tub next to the washer. I'm feeling helpless about how to empty the machine. For some reason I couldn't remember how to spin out the water.

That was it. I have a feeling I should be careful not to overload the machine. It's less than a year old but ...

When we lived in Toronto I was active in a couple of social agencies and used to attend meetings and workshops. My warning dream was scary. I used to be in a room full of people and we'd break for coffee and I'd leave my purse under my chair or under a pile of coats if it was winter. When I returned my purse was open and my credit cards had been stolen but the money was still there. I had that dream a couple of times, always with the same ending. The result. I never, never leave my purse anywhere except in my own home

Warning dreams. How to use them to create tension in a story? I will find a way.

If anyone who reads my blog would like a bookmark for my historical romance, A Very Difficult Man, leave your name and address where you can make a comment.

Anita Birt

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