Not exactly a cooking class but a lament for the cook who has to cope with a dear husband who refuses to eat certain foods. You know the type? In my case, an altogether okay guy brought up by a Welsh mother who didn't encourage her son to cook. But she wasn't into odd veggies either. Garlic was for those Europeans who didn't know the wonders of Brussels sprouts or boiled cabbage.
But I digress. I've been head cook in our household for lo these many years. Our daughter and son both loved to cook and I'm not responsible for their diets. However, I like to try new recipes now and then. I found a recipe for pork tenderloin with egg plant and zucchini veggies to make a glamorous presentation. Egg plant! Zucchini! You've got to be kidding.
I soldiered on. I learned the difference between an Asian egg plant and an ordinary egg plant. Althought the Asian egg plant was sweeter than the other one, I chose the ordinary one because it was a couple of dollars cheaper a pound.
I proceeded to cook. Knowing dear husband would wince at egg plant and zucchini, I jazzed them up with chopped onion and garlice. The end result? A delicious meal but ... dear husband pushed aside the veggies and ate the steamed broccoli I had prepared as a back-up veggie for him.
And that is my tale of woe for to-day. Once upon a time I decided we should eat vegetarian meals. I quit that caper when I discovered it took me three times longer to prepare vegetarian dinners and the end result looked as appetizing as a dog's dinner.
Now for a little PR about my two books published by Cerridwen Press. A Very Difficult Man, historical romance and Isabelle's Diary, a contemporary romance with a paranormal twist. Here are the covers. 

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