For Life in the Slow Lane followers - E-readers are becoming BIG business, The Sony, The Kindle and The Nook. This is great news for me. My five books published by Cerridwen Press are all available in e-format and ready for downloading to E-readers or directly to your computer or iphone.
An opportunity for me and other Cerridwen authors to attract you to our books. In the spirit of hope, here are the covers of my five books. To read excerpts of all my books go to my web site, www.anitabirt.com You will find ordering information on the site or go directly to: www.jasmine-jade.com or www.cerridwenpress.com
Save the trees, read e-books.
Anita - E-readers and digital books are going to be the big news this coming year. With massive, triple-digit increases in digital sales, with every publisher re-evaluating, examining and jumping on the bandwagon, and with everyone and their mother creating and selling their own reader or their own "app", this is THE big news in publishing. You're definitely 'striking while the iron is hot'. Best of luck with all your sales and endeavors!
I have a sony e-reader. I love it. I also have a netbook and the screen is better than the reader for those of us who have problem eyes. (age you know!) The only problem, it doesn't have a lot of memory.
But Lise is right. This should be the year the digital market explodes.
Congratulations on your books
Thanks, Lisa and Allison for your thoughtful comments. Let's hope our books are in great demand. Someone told me that the Kindle was the biggest seller ever for Amazon.com
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