Friday, June 21, 2013

Anita Birt's Note Book and whatever comes to mind.

June 21. The summer Solstice. This is the longest day of the year. Am I doing something brilliant? Hardly. It's 7.25 pm.  I'm typing away hoping to make sense of something but I'm not sure what.

Do you know the expression, "getting something for old rope?" It means earning something easily . I know what it means but wanted to know where it came from. There are several explanations if you Google it but the one I like best is this. In medieval times the hangman kept the rope he'd used to hang someone. Many people wanted a piece of the rope for a keepsake. (They had different views than I have) The hangman made money by cuttings pieces of the rope and selling them. Hence, "Getting money for old rope."

That's my wisdom for this evening. My mystery novel is coming along. The plot thickens and  characters emerge who may or not be guilty of diamond smuggling, or smuggling illegal substances , i.e. heroin or the date rape drug or trafficking women across borders to work as prostitutes. Lots of bad people out there.

Then we have Canadian Senators stiffing the poor bloody tax payers by lying about their expenses and so on and so on. It's enough to make an elderly lady weep.

I'm going to sit down, put my feet up and read," Pretty Girl," by Annabel Lyon. She takes the reader back to Athens when Aristotle held sway.

Do read my romance novels until my mystery novel appears as en e-book or trade paper back. It'll be awhile but I shall make it!

To remind you about my romance novels, here they are. A VERY DIFFICULT MAN, historical. ISABELLE'S DIARY, contemporary with a twist. ISABELLE'S STORY. historical. RING AROUND THE MOON, Time travel.He comes from 200 years in the past to the present time. In magical Cornwall. TOO YOUNG TO DIE. A page turning contemporary mystery with my heroine on the run with a three month old baby.


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