Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Was anyone curious about my last post, "Astrologer & Love Psychic."where he mentioned "jadoo." and 'Vodoo." If you were afflicted he could get rid of them forever.

So I Googled "jadoo," and "voodoo." My goodness if, by chance, you have been bewitched with either then you look after your mental health. They are dangerous beliefs!!! For the believers.

I'll let you look after both and read about these strange beliefs.  Seems they are real to a lot of people and can cause serious damage to them! I now understand they the advertisement continues to appear.

My question, who believes in either "jadoo," or "voodoo," in this day and age of computers, internet, cloud coverage and much more of which I know a little.  Both play with people's minds, analyze dreams, evil thoughts - of course, behind it all someone is making money "providing protection."

Enough of that. We've had three whole days without rain or raging storms. Such a relief.  I wrote a letter to family and friends to tell them what I've been doing with myself. I am the oldest person in the family and they are interested in what I'm doing to stay alive and well.

It's a genetic thing. My grandmother and my mother lived long lives. My grandmother died at 87, my mother at almost 100. It's a Scottish characteristic! Tough women who are interested in staying alive even when one or two of them make lives miserable for their children. Yes they do! I've been there.

Does anyone have the slightest interest in know what it's  like to be OLD? If so, comment or I won't tell you..

My book, "Lady Mary and Murder in the Canal Boat," has passed 50,000 words. It's meant to be a short book, part of a series. I'll wind it up soon and then the hard work begins, printing and revising. I need a new printer! I like the characters in my book. Most of them live ordinary lives in an English village - until!

Please buy my books: A VERY DIFFICULT MAN.  ISABELLE'S DIARY. ISABELLE'S STORY.. RING AROUND THE MOON.  TOO YOUNG TO DIE. And my e-book THE GHOST WRITER MYSTERY. All my books are available as e-books.

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