Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Researching is essential when writing historical novels. Writing in the time period so the words spoken by the characters reflect the time. I have just finished reading a romance novel set in 1425. The hero uses the verb "gotten." This is purely modern North American and it grates to see it on a page where it clearly doesn't belong.

But I've come up against a research problem and can't find the information I require. When were eavestroughs/gutters invented? In my historical romance, The Scottish Witch (working title) my heroine escapes from a third story room in a mansion by creeping along a slate roof with her feet braced on cast iron eavestroughs. If anyone reading my blog has information aout eavestroughs please e-mail me at anita.birt@gmail.com

I leave you with an intersting statement I came across recently. "The major purpose of memory is to predict the future."

Anita Birt,
author of,
A Very Difficult Man, published by Cerridwen Press. My hero's memories of the carnage he witnessed and the wounds he suffered during the Crimean War have crushed the joy from his life until ... Buy my book and find out what happenes next. Go to: www.CerridwenPress.com, click on Historical romance and find me.

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