Take my hand and lead me to the Goddess blog and whack me with a wet noodle. Yes! I was supposed to Blog on January 30, that was yesterday. I am sneaking in to-day to make amends and beg for forgiveness. Whew, I got that off my chest and it suddenly occurs to me that I also blog tomorrow and every Friday there after for the month of February. Am I insane or what?
Where do I go from here? I shall make an announcement. I am doing a workshop in March at http://Paranormalromance.org
The link for the discussion is: www.paranormal_discussion@yahoogroups.com
I will be discussing Magical Places and the effect they had on me. First off I want to take everyone to Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury Tor and Tintagel. There's enough magic in those places to satisfy everyone. But I have more.
Another announcement: my web mistress is in the process of revamping my web site. We're going to put up new information and there'll be a monthly contest etc. I also have to revamp my personal blog. When will I find time to write? I have 32,000 words of my historical romance and it's nudging me to get back to it.
The covers of my three published books are up top for all to see, admire and purchase. I have the cover for Ring Around The Moon and I'll put it up closer to release date, March 27. I also have a cover for Too Young To Die but it's not for show yet. I love those Show and TELL days.