For me, writing romance novels is an intense experience. My characters have to live their lives according to their values. As I bring them to life on the page I reflect on my own life. What am I doing here? When I finally "shuffle off this mortal coil" will the world be a
better place because I lived my life lovingly? It's what I want for my characters. Like the rest of us they'll make mistakes, say hurtful words, will try and make amends and, hopefully, will find the end of the rainbow. Someone to love and cherish.
In my historical romance, A Very Difficult Man, my hero is traumatized from his experiences in the Crimean War. Wounded physically and emotionally he retreats from society and becomes a recluse in his family mansion. When his family engages a female companion he determines to get rid of her by fair means or foul. Sounds like Beauty and The Beast doesn't it? And like the old fairytale, love heals the heart of a broken man.
I loved writing A Very Difficult Man. I hope you enjoy reading it. It's available to purchase and download from Cerridwen Press.
Have a look at my web site for information about my other books, Isabelle's Diary and Isabelle's Story, where you'll find excerpts.

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