Before getting serious about creating a buzz for my historical romance, A Very Difficult Man, I decided to give you this lovely piece of information about a Norwegian witch. I was looking through a notebook yesterday and a little clipping from a newspaper fell out. I may be treading on someone's copyright toes and hope he/she will forgive me. Here is the story.
Ding, dong ...
Lena Searbninga, a 33-year old Norwegian witch, has received a 53,000 kroner ($9,800) grant from the Industrial and Regional Development Fund to make and sell magic potions door to door. "I'll travel to customers' homes," she told The Associated Press. "This is what I always wanted to do." Her specialty elixirs include night creams for vivid dream, a day cream to combat indecisiveness and a foot cream to change a user's bad habits. A government official said her business plan was "pretty reasonable and well thought out."
I'd love to have Lena come knocking at my door but she's in Norway and I'm in Canada. When we lived in Wales gypsies used to come knocking at our door selling trinkets and clothes pins (to hang out laundry) I was afraid not to buy a few clothes pins in case the gypsy but a hex on me.
Check out my next blog. I'll be back in London, circa 1854/55 connecting my book with events in London at that time.
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