Saturday, May 4, 2013

Anita Birt's Note Book

Shall we talk about aging? Shall we think about it? Like it or not it is heading your way and my way. Life is a terminal illness. Have I said that before? Who wants to think such a thing when we are young or sort of young or very old.

I am old and lucky to have made it this far. What is old? A state of mind? A fear of the future? I have inherited my aged health genes from two tough Scots women, my grandmother and mother. Did I tell you my mother was a writer. She wrote The Maxie Books for Girls as Elsie Bell Gardner. Maxie had terrific adventures in various parts of the world. Trinidad (my mother lived there as a child) Venezuela, Australia, Spain,  American cities and boarding schools. The books were written in the 1930's and early 1940's.

The books are hard to find even at ABE books. I have the seven Maxie books and treasure them. Their covers are faded and torn here and there so I keep them safely on a book shelf.

I am continuing my mystery novel. I've pulled together a list of  "persons of interest," and work with my two protagonists to wind up the story. I still have 20,000 words to go but time is flying by and summer is coming in. I'm not wild about sitting at a computer when the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the sea is rippling quietly and the snow capped mountains in Washington State add to the beauty.

I'm off. Comment when you feel like it.
Buy my books for your e-readers or in trade paper back.


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