Saturday, July 20, 2013

Anita Birt's Note Book of fascinating stuff.

This is a question to you who are writers. I'm closing in on the last chapter of my mystery novel and damned, if the villain I'd chosen is not the villain. Talk about mysterious writing when me, the author, is upstaged by a character and forced to make changes,

Has that happened to you who writes? I'd really like to know. I find the writing process endlessly interesting. I hope it's not endlessly boring! When a character takes over and decides who is guilty, I have to justify the change and make it work.

That's what happened to-day. Apart from that life goes on. A spider bit me! I wakened on Tuesday morning to find a bright red spot, about the size of my thumb nail, just below my left collar bone. I could feel a tip. I won't go into all the details but there was a little infection I've cleaned and am now treating with an anti-biotic cream. The spider, probably a little devil must have got in or on my bed. How a spider reached my third floor apartment is a moot point. The redness is fading.

The weather gods are playing hell with the weather in parts of Canada and the States. Not fun for those whose homes have been flooded or had giant trees fall on their houses. The clean up goes on and on in High River Alberta.

I wearied my brain reading a long article in the Globe and Mail titled. "Canadians helping to unravel secret of  universe's existence." Think about  "the first time a muon neutrino was seen transformed into an electron  neutrino - something never witnessed before."

Physics was never my strong suit never having studied it at the country Ontario high school where I spent time as a teenager. Basic math, some algebra and some geometry left my math skills sadly lacking. I have read The Stardust Revolution, learned a lot. I am fascinated by the latest news from the team of physicists studying the cosmos and the stars and the planets circling some stars and it goes on and on. It's fun for me although I don't understand the finer points about muon neutrinos and particles and leave it at that.

If you're a writer and one of your characters decides to take over, let me know.


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