Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nita Birt's Note Book

My goodness, I created a pretty frame for my blog. I wonder why I can't see it now. It has humming birds humming - quietly. Anna's Hummers spend the winter on southern Vancouver Island and take off south when the weather warms here. Don't ask, it doesn't make sense to me.

An interesting article by Robert Fulford in the National Post to-day about how common the use of "motherf..." has become as part of modern parlance. Not with me or my friends. Older people don't talk like that. When I was growing up I'd see the "F.." chalked on a wall or on the sidewalk. I turned my eyes away. Girls were so innocent then. We didn't have a clue what "fuck" meant and I never heard anyone say it, not even the high school boys who probably knew everything.My mother never explained "sex" to me. How times have changed. For the better? I wonder. We didn't have the scourge of unwanted teenage pregnancies either.

Now I pass by kids of various ages swearing like troopers using every bit of bad language they can fit into the conversation. My ears hurt. 

That's my rant for to-day. It's Robert Fulford's fault for writing the article about "motherf...."
It's not a word I want to hear. My aged ears would crinkle and my aged eyes would blink.

Comment if you dare.

Anita Birt

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