Thursday, November 26, 2015


My blog is up and working. So many ideas have run rampant through my brain I'm not sure where to start. One of my ideas was to talk about incidents or an incident in my long life journey and how it impacted on me as I grew up.

So to begin: When I was a little girl, four years old, I was playing on the grass and on the sidewalk at the front on my house. My brother, younger than me, was pushing himself on a kiddy-car. It was summertime. Some big boys came past and one of them put a big earth worm down the back of my sundress. I ran screaming for my mother. She came out immediately and got the worm out. It was a terrifying experience for a little girl.

From that day to this I cannot touch worm. We lived in Burlington when I was a teenager. Word soon got about worms were useful to terrify me. On rainy mornings with worms on the sidewalk I left for school early to miss the boys and the threatening worms.

It probably sounds ridiculous since worms are harmless little creatures but the horror stays with me. I have tried to touch one and can't, even with a glove on! When we lived in Montreal our house was next to a field, our daughter came in with a grass snake in a jar. "OUT! I cried."  Lesley ran off with her snake. I never want to visit Africa in case a snake falls out of a tree and slithers round me.

Have any of you had an experience that affected your life in one way or another? Doesn't have to be a major trauma. Look what a worm did to me. Share it with my blog.

Next blog let's look at the things that bring us joy. A famous Greek philosopher, whose name escapes me, thought life was meant to be pleasurable.

Anita Birt, author of :  A DIFFICULT MAN.  ISABELLE'S DIARY.  ISABELLE'S STORY.    RING AROUND THE MOON.   TOO YOUNG TO DIE. They are available as e-books and in hard cover.

Anita Birt

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