I have a small file of stories told to me by friends. It's such a lovely sunny day here in Victoria I feel like sharing the stories and may the sun shine on you wherever you are.
A friend of the family had her 94 year old fathe living with her. He was a lively old gentleman. A visitor came to tea one day. The old gentleman did not join them. The visitor had occasion to use the bathroom and was alarmed to note the lock on the door was the old fashioned kind that worked like a dead bolt. There door could not be opened from the outside.
"Mary," her friend asked when she came out, "aren't you afraid your father might fall in the bathroom or have a stroke and with the door locked you couldn't help him without breaking down the door?"
"Why, I never gave it a thought," Mary replied, " but I'll mention it to Dad when he comes down from the roof. He's up there fixing the chimney where a brick came loose in that high wind a couple of nights ago."
A Cat Story told to me. A friend of their's had a white Persian cat, a gold fish and dark blue carpetting in the living and dining rooms. She was called away on family business and her husband first of all let the cat eat the goldfish! He was tired cleaning cat hairs from the rug and decided to dye the cat blue, which he did!
This solved the white hair problem but when it came time for the man's wife to return he had to do two things. Replce the fish and dye the cat white.
Aa soon as his wife returned and walked into the living room she noticed the fish had shrunk in size and was now quite small. The cat strolled in and its fur was a strange dirty white colour.
Some explaining had to be done! The cat suffered no ill effects from its double dye job and the fish, was a fish, and did grow. The husband bought his wife tickets for the opera to soothe her feelings and promised to go with her.
A ew years ago my husband and I met a couple at a friend's home and quite liked them. They were older than us and very interesteing. I phoned to ask them for dinner and the wife answered. "Sorry, we can't come. George left me to-day."
Never at a loss for words, I asked what had happened.
"He has gone to live with his new woman friend in England." George was close to 80. They'd been married 42 years when he dropped the bomb.
Another couple story. A friend told me this story. She was invited to a big 50th wedding anniversary celebration. She went up to the woman and said. "I do hope you have many more years together." She was surprised at the reply. "Oh, there won't be more years together. I'm leaving him tomorrow."
There are millions of stories in the world, I've told you a few of them. Will you share a story or two with me? I'll credit you with them. Drop by my web site. www.anitabirt.com to read excerpts of my books and view the covers.
Anita Birt
(All the material on this blog is protected by copyright and may not be used without permission of the author)