Yesterday I tried to download the covers of my five books with Cerridwen Press. For reasons known only to the gods of the blog world, I could not show you all of them. Never quit is my motto so I shall try again to-day.
And there they are! A Very Difficult Man is a historical romance set in 1854 England. My hero has returned from the Crimean War, wounded in body and soul and has become a recluse in his family mansion. My heroine, has been hired as a companion, by his mother, Lady Glenmore, to see if she can bring her son out of his self-imposed exile. He does not want the companion foisted on him by his family and does his best to get rid of her. Conflict from the get-go.
Isabelle's Diary is a contemporary romance that takes place in Llandrindod Wells, Wales. There's a ghost - but is there? Trying to find the mysterious young woman who appeared to my heroine is difficult. My heroine asks for help from a handsome Welsh professor. A romance to warm your heart.
Isabelle's Story, is the story of the girl you wrote the diary between 1895 - 1900. A historical romance that almost didn't happen when she became pregnant and her domineering father threw her out of the house. Thinking her lover had abandoned her, Isabelle walked into the hills behind the town hoping to die - but. Who came along just in time to save her? An old shepherd would not leave her and carried her to his cottage to heal. Wonderful story and a romance.
Please go to my web site, www.anitabirt.com for excerpts from my books and how to order. Try Amazon.com to start! I'd enjoy hearing from you at: anita.birt@gmail.com
Thanks for dropping by,
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