My book, The House at Bridal Veil was published in 1992 byBinford and Mort, Portland, OR. My book is available - used copies - at and ABE books. An inspirational read about a small group of amazing women, Franciscan Sisters, who reclaimed a run down old mansion on the Columbia River and through hard work and devoted friends, brought it back to life. It's worth a visit if you are in the area.
Back to more mundane matters. An article in the National Post caught my eye. Do not call us "seniors." Please call us "elders." Hmm. Sounds as if we have much wisdom to pass along. Some of us may have but some of us have lived humdrum lives, married, worked, raised a family, retired and, if blessed with reasonable health. will enjoy those sunshine years.
Humddrum? Seems to me we have something to say about commitment and loving and being there when times are tough. Care to comment.
I'm going to do some self promotion about my books. This time my time travel, Ring Around The Moon

Quest cottage was built on the foundation stones of Alan's ruined home. Imagine the problems facing a man from the past. He doesn't have a modern identity and all that entails. Check out my web site, for an excerpt about my book and how to purchase it.
On my last royalty cheque, three of my books were downloaded to Kindles, one to Ipod and another to Createspace. Very interesting. I'm hoping for more sales. That's a pitch! Others of my books are pirated on various sites where my books are given awayfree and I, the hard working writer, are cheated of my royalties.
Thanks for dropping by. Please leave a comment if you feel so inclined. I shall return.
Anita Birt
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