Monday, April 8, 2013

Anita Birt's Note Book - AGING

I may be about aging or maybe not. I have started to read, "The 100-year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared." Lower down on the front cover are these words. "IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO START OVER."

I am inspired to continue writing my mystery novel if only to find out, "Who Done it?"

Lots of suspects and suspense and an interesting bunch of characters.  The two main characters are so different but I shall not reveal their names and what they do for a living.

Change of topic. I received my royalty cheque to-day. My romance novel that sells better than my others is, "A VERY DIFFICULT MAN." I am surprised that fifteen copies of the e-book version are purchased for the Kindle. I receive my royalty but what does someone do with fifteen copies of an e-book? Can copies be transferred from one computer to another?

If you enjoy reading a really interesting and exciting historical romance novel purchase, "A VERY DIFFICULT MAN." A wounded hero. A young lady at whom he throws books. He thinks she may belong to a temperance society who'd rejoice in taking away his solace, Brandy. He drinks it to ease the pain in his soul and the stump of his amputated leg.

And there is a gypsy fortune teller to add an exotic component to my story.


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