Saturday, June 7, 2014


Speaking out! About what? And when? I've had family visiting and my head is not where it should be in terms of siting down and writing. About What? No one gives a hot damn whether I'm alive or dead if comments on my blog mean anything. No comments ever.

I labour on with my blog. I wish I could think of a catchy theme to draw comments, hateful or otherwise. Preferably pleasant. There so much misery in the world we really, really should be kind and thoughtful to friends, would-be friends and people we pass in the street. Do you smile at passersby? It's amazing how many people smile back.Mind you they take one look at me and think a smile will help the dear old soul get through the day. I'll accept any kind of smile so do keep them coming.

I hope you have ordered copies of my latest book, THE GHOST WRITER MYSTERY, from Smashwords (my publisher) or if you're a MAC user, go to ibooks and order it there. I await my first royalty cheque/check ( for American readers)

A check is just a check, like a mark on the paper but a cheque - it's a Canadian thing so don't be alarmed.

GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY - or not, depending on how  you feel and what hurts the most  your back or your feet or your legs.

We can't escape growing old. It comes like the flowers that bloom in the spring, Or when the leaves fall in the autumn. Or when the first snow covers the ground. "Life happens when we're not paying attention." Did Woody Allen say that?

ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION to they days as they pass by? When you got out of bed this morning what was  your first thought? Or your second thought as you looked  around and knew you were still alive. And your third thought as you made your way to the bathroom.

I'd enjoy reading them. Please send your comments. Make my day! Make my day even getter by buying my romance novels.

A VERY DIFFICULT MAN.  ISABELLE'S DIARY.  ISABELLE'S STORY.  RING AROUND THE MOON.  TOO YOUNG TO DIE. Every one is a page turner. Go to my Blog and read the reviews.


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