Saturday, October 27, 2007

It could only happen ...

A bartender in Pinjarra, Australia, was fined for crushing beer cans between her bare breasts. Picture it, if you can. The woman's breasts must be very lively and tough. I have to stomp on cans to crush them but I don't. I take the empties to the supermarket where I shop and collect the five cents deposit. But to return to the crushed cans and bare breasts ... it's such an interesting topic I can't leave it alone. The woman and her boss were fined $872 for breaching licensing laws. Okay, I'm done with it and move on to something completely different.

I live close to downtown and our garden is safe from marauding deer that lay waste to gardens a mere three or four kilometres away. A couple of years ago I was out on my morning walk and met two deer quietly munching on shrubs. This is right in the city! I asked them what they were doing in town but they gave be a "look" and continued eating. In 1992 a cougar wandered right into the downtown area, was spooked by something and crashed through the window of a street level apartment. It scared the girl getting dressed for work. She screamed and the cougar retreated through the window and ended up in the parking garage of The Fairmont Empress Hotel. Not to worry. The animal was tranquilized and removed to a safe area outside the city.
Bears meander into the outlying areas especially this year when the berry crop hasn't been bountiful. They go after apples and other fruit lying around.

Why am I telling you all this? I think it's great to live in a country where wild animals live on our doorsteps so to speak. I don't want to meet a cougar on my morning walk. Having been attacked and bitten by a Great Pyranees I'd not look kindly on a wily cougar or a hungry bear. I carry illegal pepper spray and my cell phone just in case.

Drop by and say hello.


B is for Bow said...

Only in Australia, you say? The beer can crushing sounds so painful. Let them keep that down under:)
Enjoyed your musings.

Anny Cook said...

Heh. I'll have to send you the story I wrote about the mountain lion that came down to our house when I was a kid.

We lived in the desert in Arizona. All kinds of strange critters.