What may you ask is my connection with Barack Obama? It is tenuous at best - and hanging by a thread. It's about a launch. Not a boat. It's about beginnings.
On January 19th, my historical romance, A Very Difficult Man, will be published - first time in paperback! It has been e-published and now will begin it's journey on to book shop shelves in a brand new form. Same cover. Same story.
President Elect, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as president of the United States on January 20 - the day after my book launch. The eyes of the world will be on Washington. Thousands will gather to witness the history making event. Happy crowds will cheer themselves hoarse.
You see the connection? Me, on the west coast of Canada, launching A Very Difficult Man - in paperback on January 19th. And Barack Obama launching on an incredible journey on January 20th, the day after me. I said the link was tenuous.
I hope some of the cheering crowds are so pleased with their new president, they will spend money buying books. It will help the economy and the economy is top on the new president's list of things to do.
Writing romance novels is what I do. I will be celebrating the launch of my book with a party! Not on the scale of Washington that will be buzzing with parties and balls and dancing in the streets but it will be my party celebrating with friends and family.
We live in interesting times.
To be honest, I am not sure Bsrack Obama will be able to best your book launching party.
I'm thrilled for you Anita! Enjoy the moment with your friends and family.
Have a great party.. you're more clever than I...My eighth Druid book, Druid in Flight comes out the 22nd and I never thought of the connection...Have fun....Jean
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