"The time has come the Walrus said, To talk of many Things. Of Sailing ships and Sealing wax, And cabbages and Kings. And whether seas are boiling hot. And whether pigs have wings."
I wrote that from memory so forgive any mistakes. It is, of course, from Alice In Wonderland. The time has come for me to start thinking about writing and promoting my books. So ... to that end. I am promoting two of my books right this minute.
Soon, I hope, my lovely historical romance, A Very Difficult Man, will appear in print. FIRST TIME IN PAPERBACK. A thrilling moment for me - to hold that book in my hands. I will launch the print version in Victoria, British Columbia. My book will be advertised at the Romantic Times Book Reviews, conference in April 2009.
Too Young To Die, my romantic suspense novel, is available now in e-format to read on whichever device you use. iPhone? iPod? e-reader of choice? My book will be advertised at the above conference in the e-book section.
Both books have had excellent reviews. Make my day. Buy both.
Thanks for dropping by.
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