Saturday, March 12, 2016


I've written nothing since January. I've had visitors. I've forgotten to blog. Not good.

I am now ninety-three years old. Do you want to know my day to day thoughts about being ninety-three?
It's life as usual. Time rolls on and my birthday has not changed me. I still go for long walks by the sea. I watch for the wintering humming birds. I pat little dogs and smile at the owners. I walk to the 500 metre markers and home. A good walk for an old dame.

I've finished writing my book, "Lady Mary and Death in the Canal Boat." Wouldyou  like to read how it starts? Let me know and I'll post the first page. But not until I hear from you.

I can't sit down and write for hours at a time the way I did when I wrote my five romance novels. Here they are. " VERY DIFFICULT MAN." "ISABELLE'S DIARY."  "ISABELLE'S STORY." "RING AROUND THE MOON."  "TOO YOUNG TO DIE."

My e-book "The Ghost Writer Mystery." All my books are availabe as e-books. Great reads for little cost. So much to read and enjoy.

I'm waiting for spring to come to Vancouver Island! We need sunshine and warm weather to send winter flying. Winter is not AWFUL  here on the Pacific coast but the storms are WILD with seas pounding the shoreline. I don't venture out in a force eight gale! I would blow me into the sea.


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