Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I lived in Welsh mining valley for a number of years. While they were still coal mines and before the age of television. Time was when families strolled out on Sunday afternoons and dropped in on relatives for a cup of tea or a gossip. I heard many supersititions that still resonate in my head. My mother-in-law, a very sensible woman, would never wear green clothing. She believed that if she wore green someone close to her would die. Another one I heard. Never put brand new shoes on the bed. Never put your hat on the bed. But the one I like best and still practice.

If you look through a window and see a new moon, turn the ring on your left finger five times to bring you luck. Sometimes I have taken off my rings when I see the new moon but I pretend to turn an invisible ring. Why not?

My husband,who was born and raised in Wales, doesn't wear green. He says he doesn't like the colour. But I think that old supersition hangs around.

I have received a contract from Cerridwen Press for my fourth book. A time tavel titled Rind Around The Moon. Now if I could just figure out how to tranfer my book covers to my Blog.


1 comment:

taramisu said...

My favorite superstition is wishing on a truck of hay. When you see a truck of hay, you lick your thumb, stick it in the wind and make a wish.