My writing muse is sitting on my shoulder telling me to get on with it. To get on with my story about three sisters, ranging in age from mid fifties to late sixties, who decide to try living together in the old family home. Rose, Daisy and Lily - three different personalities. Will they or won't they be successful? It depends on how they cope with the sudden arrival of a complete stranger who disrupts their lives and leads them into danger.
Yes, there will be a love story. The sisters' courage will be tested. And during it all, Daisy will find time to work on the afghan she's knitting for the church bazaar. This is the first book in a series. The second book, The Cruise Ship murder, is unfolding inside my head.
Three sisters like three Miss Marples, Agatha Christie's wonderful sleuth. I dream of being the next Agatha Christie.
Visit my web site, to read excerpts from my five romance novels published by Cerridwen Press. Here's the cover of Isabelle's Diary, a contemporary romance. I loved writing this story and it's companion, Isabelle's Story.

Thanks for dropping by.
Sounds like you have a lot to work on, Anita!
Thanks for dropping by. Always a pleasure to hear from you, Regina.
Hmmm, any chance that the 'guest' is actually the spirit of a world war 1 fighter pilot 'returning' to the family plot for some unfinished business. At the end... he could leave them a note... what the note says is author's discretion (or you could leave it up to the reader)!!
...maybe the note directs them to take an adventure on a cruise ship :)
I am reading this...honest! I would like to learn more about the owl.
Thanks James, for your helpful comments with plotting suggestions for my story. I shall study them further.
Thanks for the comment, Martin. About the owl. My niece, Paulette Gardner, sent me a fascinating e-mail containing all kinds of owl lore. Intriguing.
The owl actually looked at me to-day! I think the raging gale was ruffling his feathers!
I'm all for you writing this! LOL. I LOVE Agatha Christie type books.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I am writing memories of my growing up family and that is lots of fun.
However, I must remember to continue the story of the sisters. Their old house is called The Flower House because their mother was famous locally for the gardens.
I shall have to divide my time between my memories and The Flower House. Perhaps a good title for the book would be, The Flower House Ladies. Makes them appear innocent.
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