Thursday, March 20, 2014


ODE TO St. Patrick
By Anita Birt

There once was a boy named Patrick
Who lived most of his life in an attic.
On a bright summer day
He went out to play
Saw a snake in the grass and smashed it.

Patrick puffed up his chest
And said loud and clear
“I’ll kill all the snakes in less than a year.”
He set out on his task
With a bat and an axe
And killed all the snakes
Without shedding a tear.

While he was away for a year and a day
The slugs and the snails and various bugs
Ate up the crops
With nothing to stop them.

“Bring back the snakes,” hungry people cried
“We need potatoes to bake potato pies.”
They chased Patrick back to his home in the attic
Where he sat with his head in his hands.
“I’ll do better next time,”
He said to himself.
“I’ll pray for the people.
I’ll build a church with a steeple
And God will take care of the rest.”

Moral: Beware of Unintended Consequences.

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