Saturday, March 22, 2014


HAPPINESS. What is it? Who has it? How do you find it?

Think of Happiness as a secret. Hidden in a dark woods. If you're afraid of the dark  close your eyes then open them wide. Look around you. What do you see? People enjoying themselves and ...

Where are you in this picture? Hiding out. Afraid to let others see you. It's a mind game you're playing. Other people don't care a hoot about the game. You can change the rules so you win or you can stay in the dark place.

Truly. Take a risk. Smile at the first person you see to-day. It's good for your lips to smile. Try it. Now.

And that's my lecture for to-day. I ventured downtown this morning - easy to do in Victoria. Easy to park. Easy to find what I want. I found everyone helpful. I thanked them.

I Tweet now and find it difficult to do. It's not like my Blog where I can meander hither and yon. It's a new way of communicating and I'm not sure what I'm communicating and to whom.

But what the hell, it's like this Blog where no one comments. Or expresses a tiny bit of interest. Tomorrow I may Blog about what it feels like to grow old. I'm there. So what is it like?

My books are out there in e-format and trade paper back. A VERY DIFFICULT MAN. ISABELLE'S DIARY. ISABELLE'S STORY. RING AROUND THE MOON. TOO YOUNG TO DIE.

A Very Difficult Man is a historical romance set in England, 1854. 
Isabelle's Diary is a contemporary romance with a mystery or is it a Ghost?
Isabelle's Story. Takes place in England and Wales, 1899. Did he abandon her after their lovemaking?
Ring Around the Moon. A time travel with a difference. He comes from two hundred years in the past to the present time. Problems mount when he falls in love with an American visiting Cornwall.
TooYoung To Die a contemporary murder/mystery. The heroine has a three month old baby to look after and escapes from murderous thugs in the dead of night into the dark forest deep in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. Baby in her arms she stumbles on until ...

Buy my books and enjoy good reads.

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