Change of pace from eagles to you and me.
Taking charge of your life. Easier said than done but if you value your health and want to live a healthy and long life, the time to start is now. I found a splendid article in a magazine called, VIGOUR, a production of the BC Cancer Foundation.
Ready...Set...Get Motivated.
Each night I'll post something from the magazine. "Instead of thinking. "I want to exercise more," MAKE A DECISION that you will exercise for 30 minutes a day. Try something like this. Create a chart and post it on your refrigerator listing the days of the week and all the things you want to do each day. Simple things like, drinking more water, exercising and eating healthy foods.
Set your own pace and DO IT. If 30 minutes a day is difficult for you, break it down into small segments. Walk for ten minutes. Take a break and do something else. Walk around the house or apartment for ten minutes. That's 20 minutes. Next day add another few minutes and soon you'll find it's easy to exercise 30 minutes a day.
I love walking. I am blessed. I live by the sea and there's a well maintained path overlooking the sea. It's been marked in 500 metre and 1000 metre segments so I know how far I've walked and how long it has taken me.
Another change of pace. I shall now shamelessly promote one of

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